Video Monitoring is a vital part of a complete security solution. It’s one of the ways Security Solutions of America keeps watch over every corner of your property - day in and day out.

Here’s how it works. Strategically located surveillance cameras capture events in real-time. From a command center, virtual guards observe the feed to prevent threats, activate alarms, and direct police or on-site security to terminate criminal acts and facilitate arrests. And every event is stored in the cloud. Gain a constant source of confidence that you have a team equipped to prevent vandalism, theft, and security risks to your people. Security Solutions of America is an industry leader in video monitoring. We will build a complete solution that’s right for your business, property, and people.

The Benefits of Video Monitoring Solutions

A·VERT (verb): To prevent or ward off


A camera can blanket more of your property than a physical guard alone.


Place surveillance cameras to see into even the most remote corners.


In the event of a crime, simply re-trieve video feed from the cloud.


Keep virtual guards informed and equipped to provide backup for their on-site partners.


Video cameras supervise your property and assets 24/7 – exactly when you need them.
Contact us today to learn more about how our video surveillance technologycan help protect your people and property.