When you’re looking to keep your business or property protected from theft, vandalism, and robbery, finding the right security guard company should be a top concern. Take the time to do your research. Talk to your guards and provider. Compare providers.
Fortunately, finding the right security guard company can be as straightforward as answering three smart questions. If the answers aren’t all “yes,” it’s a sign that it’s time for your business to start looking for a new security company.
Do they have a local presence?
The best security companies have a vested interest in protecting their community. A national security firm with no local presence isn’t as likely to serve you as well as one that lives and works right in your area. In addition, because of proximity, a local security company can give you the hands-on attention you need in an emergency situation and be there for you when you need them most.
Whether you’re looking to protect an apartment complex, auto dealership, school, or government building, choose a security company with people who care personally about your local community.
Are they security specialists?
Security should be the main focus and offering of the guard company you choose. That’s a non-negotiable. To get total coverage and peace of mind, you need a team that knows the ins and outs of protecting your type of property – and that takes specialists.
Ask about the ways they protect you – is every corner monitored by humans and cameras? Is security all the company does or is it just one part of what the company offers? Choose a security company whose very existence relies on their ability to protect your business. When an emergency strikes, you’ll want a team dedicated to security.
Do they treat their guards well?
Happy employees treat customers better. If you’re not happy with the service you’re receiving from your guards, the problem could stem from the way they’re being treated by their employer. Ask and observe – does the company treat its guards with respect? Do they have a team of virtual guards providing back-up for on-site guards? Do they show ample appreciation for their guards’ hard work? Do they offer ongoing training to keep the whole team up to date?
Security companies that take good care of their people will have the supportive culture necessary to take good care of you, your people, and your business.
Find the Right Security Company for You
With the answers to these questions in hand, you’ll find a security guard provider that is well-suited to serve your business. Security Solutions of America is one of the most trusted security patrol and video monitoring providers in the United States – for good reason. With national scope and people located across 11 states, chances are, we care for your community because we’re part of your community. With virtual guards, video monitoring, and a team composed of well-trained former military and police offers, we’re able to cover every detail with experience and confidence.
If you’re looking for a dedicated guard and patrol service that you can trust, Security Solutions of America can answer every question with a resounding ‘yes.’
Learn more about what our unwavering support and peace of mind can do for you.